New videos: Learn about how in-memory data grids with built-in stream processing and data parallel analytics can give you operational intelligence for IoT, logistics, financial services and more. 10.22.18
Videos: ScaleOut CEO, William Bain, presents two sessions at the recent In-Memory Computing Summit in London. 07.27.18
ScaleOut Software Drives the Performance of Stateful Stream Processing with its v5.7 Release – 4/27/2018 04.27.18
Video: Bill Bain presents Stream Processing with In-Memory Data Grids: Creating the Digital Twin 10.16.17
ScaleOut Software Adds Support for Distributed Caching in ASP.NET Core 2.0 with its v5.6 Release – 8/22/2017 08.22.17
ScaleOut Software Introduces Breakthrough in Stream Processing with its v5.6 Release – 8/22/2017 08.22.17